Your artwork checking report may have indicated that your graphics were not workable. There are three common artwork failure messages, described in detail below.

Please note: If you approved your artwork and it comes through to us with a resolution or quality warning, we will reach out you via email to ensure that you're aware you're approving your artwork despite the warning. Your order will be on hold until we receive this confirmation in text or writing.


Failure Message: Some fonts used in the artwork are not outlined. Please outline all fonts before submitting artwork.

How To Fix: To outline your fonts, follow one of the YouTube videos below:

Help Videos

1. How to Outline Fonts in Adobe Illustrator

2. How to Outline Fonts in Adobe InDesign

3. How to Convert Fonts to Shapes in Adobe Photoshop

Linked Images

Failure Message: Artwork is missing linked image files. Please embed all linked images before resubmitting artwork.

How To Fix: Follow any of the video tutorials that we provide on our YouTube channel.

Help Videos

1. How to Embed Images in Adobe Illustrator

2. How to Embed Images in Adobe Photoshop


Failure Message: Artwork was not on a template.

How To Fix: Templates for our products can be found on any of our product pages. Please use the template that corresponds to your product(s) and ensure that all artwork is placed on and fits within the limits of the template. Please do not change the "Artboard" or "Canvas" size of the template. Templates make it easy and quick for our art team to put your designs through our system and into production. Neglecting to use our templates may result in shipping delays and/or additional rush charges.

Failure Message: Artwork was not on the correct template.

How To Fix: Please use a provided template (found on the product page) and ensure that all artwork is placed on and fits within the limits of the template. Please do not change the "Artboard" or "Canvas" size of the template.

To ensure the correct settings are applied, please download our Print Ready PDF preset. Read our Job Options instructions for more information.

Help Videos

1. How to Import Our Templates into Adobe Illustrator

2. How to Import Our Templates into Adobe Photoshop

3. How to Import Our Templates into Adobe InDesign

4. Artwork Warning: Incorrect Template